745 Progress Ave. (YGK Combatives Group), Kingston, Ont.
Part 1
Outer winding throw - left-hand stance
(Japanese name: Soto Makikomi)
S-block, strike to neck, outer winding throw, elbow groin, elbow head to finish.
Inner winding throw - right-hand stance
(Japanese name: Uchi Makikomi)
Cross block, double strike ribs, inner winding throw, elbow groin, elbow head to finish.
Stomach throws (Japanese name: Tomoe Nage)
One foot – S-block left and right hook punches, clap ears, one foot stomach throw, finish with strikes.
Two foot - S-block left and right hook punches, clap ears, attempt one foot stomach throw, Uki block throw, two foot stomach throw, finish with strikes.
Counter throws
Counter to hip throw (resist)
Uki tries a hip throw, resist by lowering hips, thumb on septum takedown, finish with strikes.
Counter to body drop (tani-otoshi)
Uki tries a body drop throw, counter with a tani-otoshi throw, strike groin to finish.
Counter to full shoulder (scoop)
Uki tries a full shoulder throw, counter with a rear scoop throw, stomp spine to finish.
Counter to outside hock (Osoto-Guruma)
Uki tries an outside hock throw, counter with Osoto-Guruma throw, strikes to finish.
Counter to inside hock (body drop)
Uki tries an inside hock throw, counter with a body drop throw, strikes to finish.
One-handed throat throw - left-hand stance
Fade back, outside palm block, grab throat, grab throat, throat throw (large step forward with right leg), squeeze throat to finish.
Open hand and its uses (10 versions)
Right open hand strike to neck.
Left palm strike to side of chin
Right palm strike to bottom of chin
Left hand chop to throat
Left hand chop to sternum
Left open hand to groin
Left backhand to face
Right open hand strike to side of face
Left open hand slap to ear
Right chop to neck
Elbow and its uses (10 versions)
S-block with elbow to arm.
Backward elbow to right side of chin
Forward elbow to left side of chin
Upward elbow to chin
Straight elbow to face
Back elbow to neck
Elbow to side of neck
Forward elbow to side of neck
Forward elbow to sternum
Reverse elbow to plexus
Baton defense (6 versions)
Downward angle strike high – Cross block, strike ribs, half shoulder throw, take baton, strike elbow to finish.
Backhand downward angle strike high – Cross block, palm strike chin, expanding chest arm lock to finish.
Overhead strike – Arm shoulder throw, take baton, strike head.
Downward angle strike low – Downward block with punch, arm lock, take baton, strike back to finish.
Overhead strike - Upward X-block, knee stomach, step out, pressing elbow lock.
Across throat – Hook hands over baton, drop to stop choke, turn out, strike back to finish.
Additional Non-Jukoshin Syllabus Required for Grading
Ground Self Defence Syllabus
Bottom of north/south (over arms)
Hug attacker to prevent them from rising up and guard groin, trap arm, knee head, swim through to arm lock.
Grappling Syllabus
Belt Chain 46.
Bottom of closed guard, change to rubber guard, omaplata to finish.
Belt Chain 47.
Bottom of Scarfhold, arm thrust escape to knees, take rear mount, leg squeeze, single wing and double lapel choke combination to finish.
Belt Chain 48.
Bottom of North / south knees in biceps escape to top of north / south, arm bar, opponent blocks, knee bar to finish.
Part 2
Restraining an opponent from behind
Edge of foot in back of knee / hair grab
Wrist choke
Inside leg sweep - right-hand stance, (Japanese name: Uchi-mata)
Cross block right hand strike, downward block low left-hand strike, inside leg sweep throw.
One-handed throws (all right handed stance)
Shoulder throw – outside palm block, shoulder throw, kick head to finish.
Sweeping hip throw – Hammer fist block, strike ribs, sweeping hip throw, kick head to finish.
Outside hock – Outside palm block, strike neck, outside hock throw, kick head to finish.
Inside hock – One-arm cross block, strike neck, inside hock throw, stomp neck, stomp head.
Neck throw – Hammer fist block, elbow strike to midsection, grab head, neck throw, kick head to finish.
X-block from punch to head
Uki punches at head, X-block up, knee to chest, elbow to back of head, turn head take to ground, finish with chop to neck.
Bottom fist and its uses (10 versions)
Striking block to punch
Right side of neck
Right temple
Right eye
Left eye
Left temple
Left neck
Back swinging strike to throat
Back swing to groin.
Attacking eyes and ears (10 versions)
S-block right punch, S-block left punch,
Clap ears with hands,
Ear rub strike,
Clap ears with wrists,
Pressure point below ear,
Twist ears,
Fingers in ears,
Finger strike to eyes,
Thumbs to eyes,
Two figure strike to eyes,
Knuckle to eyes.
Rolling ankle throw
S-block, punch stomach, rolling ankle throw, strike head to finish.
Reverse hip throw
S-block, strike to neck, reverse hip throw, strikes to finish.
Knife defense (6 versions)
Thrusting stab at chest – Downward X-block, kick to stomach, shoulder lock, roll arm behind back arm lock (sim. to green belt escape from side headlock).
Backhand slash at head – Cross block, strike head, knife hand strike inside elbow, lock arm, turn and bring knife across throat of uki, fold arm under, strikes to finish.
Slash at head – Cross block, strike ribs, strike elbow, arm lock, take to ground, strikes to finish.
Overhead stab – Outside palm block, knife in to uki, front roll to create distance.
Held at chest – Left hand block knife arm, turn away, wrist throw.
Held at throat from behind – Grab arm that has the knife, turn out, knife into uki.
Additional Non-Jukoshin Syllabus Required for Grading
Ground Self Defence Syllabus
Rear Mount
Grappling Syllabus
Chain 49.
Top of far guard double leg pass to knee on belt, move to top of mount, figure 4 neck crank to finish.
Chain 50.
Top of half guard, stand and bounce escape to top of mount, snap arm bar (udi gatami)
Chain 51.
Triangle defence counters:
Stacking: Grab leg roll to arm bar
Pin leg lift head: Udi-gatame
Hand to ear: Pull arm away and wrist lock
Grab your leg: Omaplata
Leg over and fall back: push leg off of head and move to mounted triangle choke.
745 Progress Ave. (YGK Combatives Group), Kingston, Ont.