745 Progress Ave. (YGK Combatives Group), Kingston, Ont.
Left Handed Throws (11)
Body drop
Full shoulder
Sweeping hip
Springing hip
Outside hock
Inside hock
Hip throw
Wrist throw
Inside leg sweep
Reverse hip
Reverse shoulder
Defence against Knife (10 versions)
Back slash: Cross block, strike chin, expanding arm lock.
Back slash: Cross block, straight arm lock (yellow belt), take to ground, straighten arm, kneel on elbow and take knife.
Back slash: Cross block, strike chin, wrap left arm around head, step back and kneel down on left leg, bring arm over right leg to finish.
Slash: Cross block, strike ribs, knife into opponent.
Slash: Cross block, strike ribs, strike elbow, standing arm lock (orange belt), take to ground, straighten arm, kneel on elbow and take knife.
Slash: Cross block, strike ribs, strike elbow, standing arm lock (orange belt), shoulder throw, kick head to finish.
Thrust: Turn out, elbow strike to kidneys, turn back, wrist throw, fingerprint lock, take knife.
Thrust: Turn out, elbow strike to kidneys, double arm lock.
Thrust: Turn out, slap wrist and strike hand to disarm knife, throat throw to take to ground and finish.
Held at Throat: Palm block, turn out, kick to groin, wrist throw, straighten arm, kneeling on elbow control.
Baton against knife (10 versions)
Overhead stab: 2 handed block/deflect, strike throat, step behind, strangle.
Overhead stab: 2 handed block/deflect, strike throat, choke (rear naked).
Back-slash: 2 handed block, strike wrist, strike head, strike kidneys.
Back-slash: 2 handed block, strike wrist, strike ribs, strike leg, strike head.
Slash: Cross block, strike neck, cross choke.
Slash: Cross block, strike neck, head lock, throw, strike to finish.
Thrust: Step left and check thrust, strike wrist, strike ribs, strike head.
Thrust: Strike wrist, hammer lock, strike to finish.
Thrust: Step left, 2 handed block/strike to wrist, temple pressure point.
Back-slash: open handed block, strike ribs, half-nelson lock, throw, strike to finish.
Tonfa against baton (10 versions)
45 swing: (L) block, (R) strike arm, (R) strike head.
45 swing: (L) block, (R) extend tonfa, thrust to stomach, (R) Strike top of head.
Overhead: (L) upward rising block, (R) swinging strike knee, (R) swinging downward strike to top of head.
Back 45: (R) block, (L) swinging strike arm, (R) downward swinging strike to top of head.
Back 45: Double block, (L) then (R) punching strike to head.
Back 45: (R) block, double thrust to ribs.
45 swing: Cross block, (R) forearm strike to neck.
45 swing: Cross block, (R) swinging strike to arm, strike to head with tonfa still extended.
Downward 45: (From extended guard) (L) downward block, (R) strike arm, (R) swinging strike head twice.
Downward back 45: (From extended guard) (R) downward block, (L) strike arm, (R) strike top of head.
Kubotan (yawara)
Pressure points
Same side hand grab
Opposite side hand grab
Lapel grab
Bear hug under arms, from the front
Bear hug over arms, from the front
Bear hug under the arms from behind
Bear hug over the arms behind
Side headlock
Standing headlock from behind
Bo Kata
Tonfa Kata
745 Progress Ave. (YGK Combatives Group), Kingston, Ont.